1·Objective to study the epidemic cause of the Rash and Fever Illness (RFIs), to investigate the epidemic feature of measles and rubella, to suggest the measures of controlling measles and rubella.
2·"While the scale of the global dementia epidemic is daunting, the wide variety of responses at the grassroots level is cause for optimism", says Wortmann.
3·THE human immunodeficiency virus, HIV-1, the cause of the global AIDS epidemic, is the most intensively studied pathogen in history.
4·Indeed, Dr Wrangham suspects the main cause of the modern epidemic of obesity is not overeating (which the evidence suggests-in America, at least-is a myth) but the rise of processed foods.
5·Neisseria meningitides is the cause of Epidemic Cerebrospinal Meningitis.
6·Objective to identify the cause and transmission route of hepatitis a, to analyse the epidemic fac - tors and to evaluate the control effect.
7·Like dysentery, typhus, diphtheria, the epidemic brain keel turns the membrane inflammation and hepatitis B and so on, may have the recovery period cause of disease carrier.
8·In recent years, again due to a serious epidemic of tuberculosis, complicated by AIDS, tuberculosis has become a major cause of death.
9·Once a virus infects domesticated birds, it can cause severe epidemic among the birds .
10·The outbreak of WNV encephalitis in the United States in 1999 and subsequent epidemic in North America in the following years cause great concerns.